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SenSura Flex baseplates

Coloplast SenSura Flex Xpro Soft Seal Baseplate

Coloplast SenSura Flex Xpro Soft Seal Baseplate

SenSura Flex Xpro Soft Seal Baseplates with adhesive coupling.

Shallow convexity with belt loops.

Box of 5

(1 pack contains 5 items)

SenSura Flex XproSoft Seal Baseplates adhesive coupling 35mm coupling 15-23mm cut to fit - Item code: 11304
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SenSura Flex XproSoft Seal Baseplates adhesive coupling 50mm coupling 15-33mm cut to fit - Item code: 11305
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SenSura Flex XproSoft Seal Baseplates adhesive coupling 50mm coupling 15-43mm cut to fit - Item code: 11306
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SenSura FlexSoft Seal Baseplate Shallow Convexity Belt Loops 70mm - Item code: 11307
Order quantity
SenSura Flex XproSoft Seal Baseplates adhesive coupling 70mm coupling 15-56mm cut to fit - Item code: 11308
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